Friday, May 18

My Favorite Wedding Gift

One day in high school my French teacher brought her crepe maker in to class and we each made our own crepe and ate it. It didn’t have much to do with learning the French language, but I never forgot how much I enjoyed those crepes. So when my best friend Suzanne bought us a crepe maker as a wedding gift I was actually giddy with excitement. We used it for the first time last weekend and the crepes came out fantastic! I like mine with a little (okay a lot of) Nutella, and Brian likes his with butter and cinnamon-sugar. Either way, crepes are my favorite way to start the day on the weekends.

Yummy crepes!

1 comment:

  1. I agree with Brian's choice of toppings on a crepe, but I agree with you that nutella is good with anything.
